808Interview ::::: Glas / hfn music / Denmark

By Ace 10th of May 2024.

The band Glas formed by Lisbet Fritze, and Louise Foo collects personal life experiences with their musical journey experience in order to bring a sound that expresses drama and emotion with a cool rock attitude. Making their appearance since September 2023, they have presented their first album Kisses Like Feathers released by hfn music in March of this year. We had a nice conversation with them about what brought Glas to life, the process of making Kisses Like Feathers, how they describe their sound, and their future plans among other topics.

808blogg:  What will be the best way to describe the sound from Glas?

Glas: The sound of Glas could be described as gloomy yet always with rays of light and hope. The music is somehow fragments of impressions and feelings from our lives put into music – spanning from more uptempo and beat-driven songs to a more intimate and acoustic expression.

808blogg:  How did you decide it was the time to do music together?

Glas: Since our former band Giana Factory split up, we have explored architecture, art, and interactive design, while still writing songs and done collaborations with other musicians – Lisbet has been touring and recording with Trentemøller and Louise has formed avant- pop project SØSTR with her sister Sharin from The Raveonettes. We have always had a close connection with each other, and we simply missed doing music together. 

808blogg:  Can you share with us how was the creative process of making Kisses Like Feathers?

Glas: The making of our debut album happened quite organic. We didn’t want to force the music through, and took our time writing and developing the songs – this was maybe the biggest lesson from our former band, that the focus has to be on the music and only the music. Everything around the music can feel very noisy and it’s easy to lose track of what was the original intention or the reason why you started writing music in the first place. So we took our time in the studio experimenting with sounds, lyrics, and melodies until we felt the album was exactly how we wanted it to sound.

808blogg:  You have been involved with the Nordic music scene for a while, how do you perceive it in our present time?

Glas: In Copenhagen there is a good scene of new and more established bands, and there is an exciting and supportive vibe.

808blogg:  Do you feel good music has an expiration date or can it be considered timeless?

Glas: For us good music does not have an expiration date and some of our biggest influences are super old and some are new – time does not matter as long as the music speaks to you.

808blogg:  How hard is it to find your sound with so many things being released nowadays? 

Glas: For us, it’s always a challenge to get the sound you imagine in your head out through the speakers – as it’s only existing in your mind and not in the real world yet. It requires a lot of work and dedication – but we do really love that “treasure hunt”, even though it’s tough. It’s not so much to do with the many releases nowadays we would say.

808blogg:  What is your opinion about Artificial Intelligence colliding with music?

Glas: If we can find a way to control it, AI in music is for sure interesting.

808blogg:  Can you tell us your plans after releasing Kisses Like Feathers?

Glas: After releasing Kisses Like Feathers, we have been busy preparing for an experimental workshop around our music and stage design, that will take place here in May at Vega in Copenhagen. We will try and unfold a visual universe around our music, that sort of listens to the music, the voices, and the movements of our bodies on stage. It will all come together in our first real concert on May 29th at Vega Ideal Bar, and we are super excited to bring our music to the live stage. As Loui has a background in interactive art and Lisbet in Architecture, we thought it would be fun to use those different aspects of our life together with our music and see what comes out of it!

808blogg: In your free time what do you like to listen to, is there something that you can recommend to us?

Glas: Very different artists inspire us such as Blonde Redhead, Sibylle Beier, This Mortal Coil, Nick Drake, Fever Ray, Tanukichan, Chromatics, Hank Williams, Grouper,…


For more information on Glas visit their: WebsiteBandcamp / Instagram

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Hey, I’m Ace from 808blogg a music addict, a video nerd, an information freak, and I wrote this interview, you can get more 808blogg content here: 808blogg.wordpress.com

Thanks for reading and please don’t ever say no to good music…

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